Microsoft India has launched the much awaited game, Gears of War 3 for Xbox 360. It’s the final installment of the sci-fi third person shooter video game that has won various awards. It is also the single most popular Xbox franchises. The game has been developed by Epic Games especially for Xbox 360.
Gears of War 3 is an involving game that takes you through an heroic tale of hope, survival and brotherhood. The price of the game is marked as Rs. 2,499 and Rs. 3,499 for the Standard and Limited editions respectively. The Blockbuster title of the game will be available for the multiplayer action on Xbox Live within a few days.
The newly launched game brings the conclusion of the most thrilling shooting game of the century with even more heroic experience. It will bring genre-defining action across an arsenal of competitive and cooperative modes including versus multiplayer, Horde 2.0, four-player campaign coop and Beast mode. The beginners will love the game due to its balanced game play and accessible game types that will allow anyone to enjoy the action straightaway.
The earlier two series of the game have sold over 12 million copies throughout the world. The Gears of War 3 is expected to rock the gaming market again.
Courtesy the feedback of 1.2 million fans, Gears of War 3 includes advanced versions of Thrashball, Old Town and Trenches from the public multiplayer beta. The maps have been improved to offer a balanced and more interesting experience to both the veterans and the novice.
To increase the fun for the rookies especially, Gears of War 3 includes Casual versus Multiplayer playlist where the new players will have the choice to compete against each other. To maintain a safe arena where freshers can polish their skills, enjoy and also prepare for the higher skill level lobbies, Epic will detect some game play benchmarks and skill levels based on huge number of data and testing.
Gears of War 3 is an involving game that takes you through an heroic tale of hope, survival and brotherhood. The price of the game is marked as Rs. 2,499 and Rs. 3,499 for the Standard and Limited editions respectively. The Blockbuster title of the game will be available for the multiplayer action on Xbox Live within a few days.
The newly launched game brings the conclusion of the most thrilling shooting game of the century with even more heroic experience. It will bring genre-defining action across an arsenal of competitive and cooperative modes including versus multiplayer, Horde 2.0, four-player campaign coop and Beast mode. The beginners will love the game due to its balanced game play and accessible game types that will allow anyone to enjoy the action straightaway.
The earlier two series of the game have sold over 12 million copies throughout the world. The Gears of War 3 is expected to rock the gaming market again.
Gears of War 3 – Advanced Features
The new series of Gears of War has a modified Gridlock, the legendary map that used to define the multiplayer play in the earlier two series. It features graphical enhancements and a new weapon named spawns. Gridlock is set in the mysterious darkness of night that won’t let you remove your eyes from the screen and will force you to work as a team to discover and defeat your opponents from the shadows.Courtesy the feedback of 1.2 million fans, Gears of War 3 includes advanced versions of Thrashball, Old Town and Trenches from the public multiplayer beta. The maps have been improved to offer a balanced and more interesting experience to both the veterans and the novice.
To increase the fun for the rookies especially, Gears of War 3 includes Casual versus Multiplayer playlist where the new players will have the choice to compete against each other. To maintain a safe arena where freshers can polish their skills, enjoy and also prepare for the higher skill level lobbies, Epic will detect some game play benchmarks and skill levels based on huge number of data and testing.
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